10 Questions To Ask Before Hiring An App Developer

Most modern businesses use mobile apps to make money. Whether you run a multi-national corporation or a local bakery, you can create an app that works for your business. Hiring the right person for the job means doing some homework, even if you are not tech savvy.

Hiring An App Developer

So what do you ask before you hire an app developer?
Seems a toughie! But you need to make sure that the person you hire is up for the job. Here are 10 questions that will help you choose the best one from the pool of talent available out there.

Personal Capacity For The Job

Que. 1    What is the app that they are personally proud of and why?
Does this developer love what they do? If they do, you can access a wealth of potentially popular and lucrative products for your company.

Que. 2    Is the developer a lone wolf or a team player?
Evaluate whether your candidate has the verbal ability and appropriate attitude to work within the culture of your organization.

Que. 3    How does he manage tight deadlines?

How does the developer manage stress? Do they have the skills to deal with the inevitable long hours and crunch time pressure? It is almost a given that during time sensitive projects personal time, and in some cases families, take a back seat. Try to get a sense of whether this candidate can manage these stresses. You cannot afford an emotional breakdown in your business, neither financially nor for the potential ripple effect it may have on other staff.

Judge The Developer Proficiency

Que. 4    What do they use for unit tests?

This is a basic question for a software developer. Does this person understand basic testing principles? He or she should be able to evaluate each piece of code, independently, and then test its functioning against other pieces of code.

Que. 5    Is there a version control method that they prefer and why?

This will just help you know how the developer works. If the app developer is up to the standards that you require, they will explain you everything in detail.

Que. 6    Does he follow any specific coding standards?

By abiding coding conventions, reviewing and maintenance of software becomes easier. So, if the developer knows and follows any specific coding standards, expect some good work!

Mobile App Proficiency

Que. 7    Does he have experience using commercial and non-commercial mobile platforms?

This question is not merely to determine experience; it can also offer insight into the level of interest in developing mobile apps. You should seek those who seem to love what they do, not merely those with a basic proficiency level.

Que. 8    What phone and apps does he use?

This question reveals the level of personal interest in mobile apps and passion for what it can do.

Que. 9    What are the unique features that he can create?

The candidate should be able to bring something of value and give effect to your goals. This is essential to the hiring process.

Que. 10    How can your own app make money?

This is the purpose of this process. There must be a viable potential for profit. Ask the developer if he sees through the goals – of what you want and what is to be done by him. The purpose should be clear from the very beginning.

Your new developer should have standard software developer skills. In addition, he/she should have a passion and dedication to creating and playing with mobile apps. Most importantly, however, the new developer must have strong communications skills. In order to help you and your business, the developer needs to cope with different personalities as well as understanding how to let you know when there are problems.



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