How to Optimize Your Facebook Page for an E-commerce Website

Do you have an e-commerce website?

Then you should know that you can boost your sales not only through the optimization of your webpages but also by optimizing your Facebook page. Yes,  you read it, due to technological advancements, Facebook has become a great nest for businesses that not only want to increase their visibility but also gain a rise in sales.

How does this happen, you might ask? All thanks to the different features of Facebook that helps you to take your brand, products, services to your audience through this huge social media platform. 

In this article we cover the important features of Facebook and how should your Facebook page be optimized to utilize the features of Facebook effectively to market your brand, services, and products.  

1. Cover Image for Facebook

You know by now that you can set a cover image for your Facebook page – you can do so for your personal profile as well.

But when it comes to business pages, there’s a lot more to it than that. You can choose to add a video instead of a picture, or even a slideshow, including up to 5 pictures.

Believe it or not, even this could help you increase your online sales. How? There’s this option of tagging products from your shop not only for regular pictures but also for your cover photo.

You get this add product button whether you have a shop set up or not – there is a slight difference between the two cases, but if you have an e-commerce website you will definitely want to set up your shop, so you can sell products on Facebook.

2. Optimizing the About Section

The Facebook About section is like your online business card. That’s where you note all the important facts about its development and other details such as contact information or awards.

If you want to sell products on Facebook, you should note that filling out the appropriate “About” section is as important as setting a shop. Please make sure to complete the” Edit Products” with a general presentation of the products available for sale.

3. Choosing the right template for your Facebook page

Facebook page optimization starts from the very beginning. If you have an e-commerce website, make sure to choose the appropriate template, because you will need all the options you can get.

If you want to enjoy built-in Shop sections, you should choose either Services or Shopping.

4. Adding tabs required for an e-commerce website page

If you take off by correctly optimizing your Facebook page, the Shop Tab will be automatically available for you to see on your page and use whenever needed.

If you chose, for example, Business or Restaurants and Cafes instead of the above-mentioned Services or Shopping, you can still enjoy the benefits of a Shop Tab. This can be done manually by accessing Settings and going to Templates and Tabs.

5. Adding Shop to your Facebook page

Once your Shop Tab is set, you can add and sell your products on Facebook. 

All you have to do is go through the following steps:

  • Agree to the Merchant Terms and Policies 
  • Select the checkout method – it can be either to your website or directly through Facebook
  • Give a brief description of what you are selling and
  • Then add your products – You can add descriptions, multiple pictures, set a price and a link to the product page on your website.

6. Adding Offers Tab

Another Facebook page optimization step you should follow for product selling is adding the Offers Tab. Once you create an offer, you will be able to describe it and add a photo.

Additionally, you can edit its expiration date and choose whether people can use it Online or In-Store. If you are an e-commerce website owner, you will want to go with the first version.

7. Integration of tools like Mailchimp to Facebook page

When you have an e-commerce website, what you want to do is sell – sell more and sell faster. In order to help you do that, Facebook can team up with platforms such us Mailchimp – marketing automation platform and email marketing service.

By doing that, you will be able to find and speak to new audiences, promote your products and track your sales.

8. Utilizing the Events Feature

Facebook loves tracking people and spreading the word. Another means of helping increase product selling is by utilizing the Events feature. This is useful if your company intends to create a unique event – let’s say an Easter sale that takes place at a specific time and venue.

By accessing the Events Tab, you will be able to create a Facebook event to which people can hit” attend” or ”maybe”, thus helping you to have an idea about the number of people who will be present at your celebration.

9. Adding the Reviews Tab

Word of mouth is one of the eldest forms of marketing and will probably never get old. Although technological and with a slightly different dynamic, this is what the Reviews section offers a potential client.

By activating this feature, you give your clients the chance to speak their minds about your products, something which will speed the buying process for hesitant clients.

10. Setting up Messenger for Facebook Page

Keeping your customers close is what might differentiate you from the competition. When you want to sell products on Facebook, you should take advantage of all the features Messenger has to offer.

It is really important to be there for your clients, showing availability whenever they need you. They might ask for details about a product they want to purchase, shipment or return details. Your instant reply might change their mind about taking action or not.

Of course, you will not be able to be at your computer 24/7. But this is where Messenger comes to help. You can set up instant replies, letting people know that you will get back to them as soon as possible. Another cool feature is that you can add a Messenger box to your website

11. Creating Groups on Facebook

A Facebook community is just like a real-life friendship. It needs tending, devotion and time. Facebook page optimization helps you gain time, but you have to take care of the rest.

Creating a Facebook Group for your page might be a great step towards keeping your community alive. That’s a place where you can share more intimate information and get your customers to know each other, share experience and ideas.

Final Thoughts

Selling products on Facebook requires step-by-step Facebook page optimization. Following these will make your business more visible on the market, increasing both your audience and customer base. In this way, it will be easier for any individual to buy products from you, helping your business witness a high increase in numbers. 


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