Ways To Get Reviewed By App Sites

There is nothing like a good reference, and reviews are an excellent way to keep your app in front of your target audience. Your app is exposed to users who may never have heard about your app otherwise. Further, getting reviewed by one site, increases the chances of getting reviewed by other sites as well.

Knowing the site being targeted
All the major app review sites have review submission guidelines. Following those guidelines is a good idea; they have been put up for a reason. They give you an idea of what exactly he site needs from you, and failing to follow them could probably make it harder for the reviewer to grasp what your app has to offer.

Being Informative and concise
No one is looking to read a long description of what your app does. With so many applications, reviewers often do not have the time to go through the entire write up. The first few lines act as the pitch for your app. Those first few sentences should convince the reader that your app is different and special, probing them to read further. They could be the make or break deal.

Preparing a media kit
Now if the first few lines are convincing enough, the reviewer will want to know more about your app. attaching a few screenshots, the very best ones will further enhance the appeal of your app. A demo video, links to all those app stores on which your app has been posted should also be included. A link to a blog post or maybe a press release is also useful. It would also be a good idea to include a download code that will let the reviewer download the app for free. Some reviewers also like to describe the people behind good apps, and so a little background information on the site’s About page could do no harm. If your app is reviewed, then the link to your app’s app store page will help it rank in search engines. Providing all this information also makes it easier for the reviewer to review your app as they do not have to look for the information from outside sources. And of course – your contact information should be included as well.

The personal touch
This may seem trivial but often simple things like addressing the other person by name (and spelling it right), showing interest in what he or she does, the kind of topics they tend to cover, and just simply being nice have an alarming impact on the person’s view towards you. Getting the reviewer on your good side is definitely something you would want to do.

The first step is doubtlessly to have a good app. Apps that do not serve any purpose will not be given importance by the reviewers. An innovative, well designed app will definitely grab the app reviewers’ attention.


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