Why Analytics Matter

Business evaluation is crucial time and again. With analytics you are in a better position to strategize for your app business going forward. The market has diverse software that can be used to put out analytics that are easy to understand and in a short space of time. Because you can track how your app is being used and who the users are, it makes for a better understanding of the below:

Why Analytics Matter For Mobile App

User Engagement

Initially when the mobile app rush began, we were all excited about the number of downloads our apps would get and so on. However over time, with analytics tools improving time and again, having a million downloads means nothing if those users aren’t going to ever use them. What you need is a user base that engages with you and analytics can give you that result which in essence streamlines your marketing campaign to an audience that’s really engaging with you and save a lot from having to do generalize blanket marketing.

App Interaction

Once you know who your user base is, it is also crucial to have an understanding of those users interact with your app. Insights from such analytics are the building elements for you to use as you work on your apps upgrade. These results are almost like your professor at college saying – “this is not the way it works, go back and redo it again”, except here the professor is the user, who if pleased with the upgrade, can be retained as a client in the long run.

Why Analytics Matter

Targeted Market Segmentation

Segmenting a user base is one of the most difficult things to do in the mobile app industry, if it is to be done the traditional marketing way. Luckily with analytics, you get an in-depth breakdown of where your users are based, geographically; their age and other apps categories they frequent the most. Put all those together and you will have highly and finely defined market segmentation or segmentations, which enhances how you communicate with that audience or to better you’re offering for them.


Analytics don’t only come as this long list of facts and figures that you will probably not want to look at because it loose overwhelming. Analytics come in graphs that are very easy to understand and interpret.

Going forward, analytics help in the development of better apps, and takes the focus away from a developer developing what they like and hoping the user will like it but developing exactly what the user needs. It makes for better marketing strategies. At the end of the day it does increase the changes of your app being successful, which is what this billion industry is all about anyway.


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