All About The Release Of React Native 0.66- Updates Introduced

It’s a recent thing, React Native, owned and developed by Facebook has announced the features of its new version 0.60. React Native is an open-source framework, which works in the background process and interprets the JS (JavaScript) written by mobile app developers.

Version 0.60 is a step-ahead version of the existing version 0.59 and so all users have to do is to optimize to it. The new version is touted to be working very fluently and overcoming a lot of existing problems.

Below are some claims made by the Native Core Team while announcing the new version of React Native.

i) Increment of Accessibility

There have always been issues as React Native has lagged upfront whenever there was a need to update SDKs by iOS or Android. The Core Team has said that they have integrated a code library with the new version and that it is now able to fully synchronize between React Native and new SDKs that once took a lot of time.

The latest feature uses APIs from the basic platform directly, they will, therefore, combine with native support technologies. The improvements that the new version has on accessibility can be summarized as follow:

• iOS accessibility flags and reduce motion are available on iOS in the new version
• Missing roles have got included for various elements
• The keyboard navigation comes into action with the inclusion of onClick Callback and prop which is clickable.
• APIs have been improved in terms of accessibility to enhance greater web accessibility

ii) User-friendly Screen

“Hello World”. This is what you see when you start afresh User Interface. The update promises to be more user-friendly and rightly so as it shows helpful guidelines like document links, editing App.js, the processes of aligning with upcoming website redesign and beginning the debug menu.

iii) Improvement in stability, compatibility, and error display

There was a time when questions like “Can you tell me if serious app-development is possible to React Native?” were to be dealt with on a regular basis by the developers. The reason being? Well, there was a lot to deal with. I am just giving you some of them.

• Hot reloading failures
• Incompatibility between various features and the native community library
• Emulator issues
• Problems with react-navigation
• Flood of errors

There has been a serious improvement on all these in the new version.

React Native Announced

iv) Documentation

The React Native App Development Company community has long been touted as young and inexperienced for their version of poor documentation. The new version presents a much-improved one with the ability to integrate with extra tools.

v) Lean Core Project Extractions

This project was mainly introduced to take the react native repository towards a better position. With the new update, the Net Info and Web View Info repositories have been removed Geolocation is also not required and the team seems to have completed their migration out of the repository.

vi) Autolinking of Native Modules

The new update comes with updated linking methods as expected. It says to react-native unlink every pre-existing dependency.

vii) CocoaPods become a part of React native for iOS

This one is the package handling application for iOS and macOS development. This helps in adding the original React Native framework code locally into the working project. This updated version allows you to make some very exciting changes to your pods.

Release Of React Native 0.66

viii) Core removals are to be learned

It’s now known to us that Web View and Net Info have been migrated out of React Native Repository. It’s now suggested that you should focus on learning core removals. If you wish to get some automated solutions, you should go form-upgrade-deprecated modules.

ix) Support in the Android version

This support will be known as AndroidX support as per the React Native community and according to them is a step ahead in the development of the Android environment which was filled with older versions of the support library.


The first benefit is that the backend of this open-source framework in Java which is widely used given the fact that at least fifty percent of the programmers use Java as their programming language. The extensive use of Java and the community that it has got allows users to quickly acquaint with this.

The new version .60 includes all features of JavaScript due to availability of JS codes. Engineers will now be able to work faster and more efficiently.

The usual cross-platform frameworks provide codes via Web View which is basically a mobile engine but the React Native supplies codes with APIs which is much more efficient. APIs communicate with targeted components for iOS which makes it direct and independent. The downward data flow makes it possible to influence on child components and this enables the development of user interface go smooth which in turns increases the user experience in a positive way and the apps then look very simple and hassle-free.

On top of all these the new version comes with options that do some debugging and finds out any error in the code. The compatibility has been taken to the maximum level and programmers can now use Chrome or even safari developing tools.


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