Top Software Development Best Practices

The business world continues to change. If you’re an entrepreneur or a software developer, it’s essential to keep up with the latest trends in technology and business practices.

In order to create robust customized software products with a more efficient workflow, it is very important for developers to follow standard development practices of the software industry. It proves to be very helpful to developers and project managers as well. Without such standards and norms, the software development industry would be chaotic and unprofessional.

Below is a list of best software development practices that are beneficial to any business no matter the type of software product they are working on or the size of their crew. These best practices for software development will help you stay ahead of the curve.

Best Software Development Practices 

1. Keep Code Simple

The best software development practices are often counterintuitive. For example, when you’re developing a new application, the most important thing to do is keep it simple. This means that developers should avoid adding unnecessary features and functions that may not be used by customers or employees.

There are many reasons why you should keep your software simple. For one thing, it’s cheaper and easier to develop a simple application than a complex one. Other advantages include better performance, fewer bugs, and faster updates. In addition, a simpler app is easier for users to learn how to use and understand how it works.

2. Create a Roadmap for Software Development

It’s important not only to know what features will be included in your product but also how they’ll be developed. This is where roadmaps come into play. Roadmaps make it clear what’s happening with each phase of development so customers know what they can expect from one release to the next. They also help developers stay on track by providing a visual overview of their progress thus far and areas that still need work before launch day arrives.

3. Prefer Open Source Software

Another excellent software development best practice is to prefer open source solutions over proprietary ones when possible. Open-source software (OSS) provides many benefits such as lower costs and better security than closed source alternatives. The main issue with OSS is that it doesn’t always offer everything enterprises need in terms of functionality or performance standards. However, most enterprise-grade OSS solutions do meet these requirements if you look hard enough for them!

4. Have a Backup Plan

The idea behind a backout plan is to ensure that you can recover from any software development mistakes that you make. You may have heard about the story of the Mars Climate Orbiter. This probe was sent by NASA in 1998 to research Mars’ atmosphere. Unfortunately, there was a communication error between the team that built the probe and the team that launched it into space. As a result, the probe was launched into the wrong orbit and crashed into Mars after just 80 days in space.

The engineers who designed the probe had not accounted for this error when they built it, so there was no way to recover once it happened. This is why it’s so important to have a backout plan before you begin working on any type of project.

5. Continuous Testing

Testing is an essential part of the software development life cycle. This is particularly true when it comes to mobile apps because they have been known to cause crashes and other issues that can lead to downtime. Testing can also be time-consuming, but if you follow these best practices, you can ensure your team is doing it right:

Use automated tests. Automated tests make it possible for developers to run tests repeatedly without having to manually perform each step. This helps speed up the testing process and ensures that all aspects of the application are covered by tests. You can also use automated tests to run regression tests after each build or release version to ensure that there were no changes in functionality or performance since the last version.

Run manual tests as well as automated ones. Manual testing involves running a series of actions on your app by hand rather than through automation scripts. This ensures that testers know how users will interact with the app in real-world environments, which helps them identify bugs before they become a problem for end-users. Manual testing can also be used as a way to test edge cases in an application that might not be covered by automated scripts because they require complex interactions between different parts of the app’s architecture.

6. Set Your Time and Budget Estimates Realistically

Estimating the cost of a software development project is a tricky business. We’ve all heard horror stories of projects that went over budget and schedule, or that were delivered with features missing or bugs that prevent users from using them effectively.

There are two ways to estimate a project: top-down and bottom-up.


The top-down approach is when you start with the big picture, decide on all the major features that you want in the product, and then work backward to break those down into smaller chunks of work. The benefit of this approach is that it allows you to think about what you need from day one. It also allows you to see the forest from the trees so you can avoid getting lost in the weeds when it comes time for implementation.


Bottom-up estimation involves breaking down each feature into smaller chunks of work (like design, development, and testing) and then estimating how long each chunk will take based on previous experience working on similar projects or using industry averages based on similar projects. The benefit of this approach is that it allows you to be flexible because if something takes longer than expected at any point in time during the process, you can adjust accordingly without causing too much disruption to your overall timeline.

7. Make it rugged

Best practices for software development are important, but they are not always followed. Sometimes it’s just too easy to get lazy and start cutting corners. But if you want your software to last, you need to make sure that it is rugged and easy to maintain.

The most important step in creating a truly robust application is to use proven techniques that have stood the test of time. This means using object-oriented programming techniques and avoiding global variables wherever possible. It also means making sure that every function returns a value so that it can be used as a parameter in another function call (or as part of an expression).

Another critical aspect of making sure that your code is robust is making sure it runs correctly on different platforms and with different browsers (or versions of the same browser). If your application relies on third-party components or libraries, make sure they are tested against all supported platforms before incorporating them into your application. You should also make sure that there are no errors in the way these components interact with each other or with your application code.

8. Keep Documenting Your Progress

Documentation is critical to any application’s success. It allows you to track progress, communicate with team members, and serve as a reference for future development. The most effective way to document your progress as a software developer is through the use of source code control systems. These systems allow you to create a central repository for your code and maintain a record of all changes made to it. This enables you to easily review past versions of your code, which can be helpful when troubleshooting bugs or rolling back changes if something goes wrong.

The best source code control systems offer many different features that make them more than just repositories for storing code. They also provide versioning capabilities that let you compare different versions of your code so you can see what has changed from one version to another and why those changes were made in the first place. They may even offer features like tagging or branching that enable you to keep track of specific versions so you can work on multiple features at the same time without worrying about losing track of which changes belong with which feature set.

9. Keep The Development Team On The Same Page

A good, well-defined process will help keep everyone on the same page. But even with the best processes in place, there will be times when you need to make changes on the fly or rework something that isn’t working. That’s where having a solid understanding of the why behind each step of the development process comes into play. When you understand why something is being done — and how it’s related to other tasks — it becomes much easier to make changes quickly when necessary.


By following software development best practices, you can create more efficient teams that develop better products. These best practices provide guidelines as to what is considered an appropriate process. Which method you choose is dependent on your particular process and project, but they can all be implemented in a way that is best for your company.


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