2017: The Year of Smart App Development To Deeply Engage Users

Mobile app development will get much smarter in the 2017 mainly because of availability of Artificial Intelligence powered apps and Chatbots.

During the initial days of mobile phones, first enterprise mobile apps were simple informational apps in public app stores and since then, a large number of organizations have advanced to develop customized apps that not only streamline, automate, but also reinvent business processes. As developers are looking forward to satisfy the request of more user-friendly apps and thus, a rise in the development of efficient tools have occurred through which they can develop better apps, which can satisfy the demands of businesses and which leads to better revenue.

App Development To Deeply Engage Users

Today, mobile apps play a pivotal role in this wider digital world because of its wide usage in administering business, pleasant user experience and for an expanded digital reality. Though apps are continuing to become a prime focus for the enterprise, a lot of companies have exhibited interest in Artificial Intelligence, which in short known as AI with chatbots and Personal Digital Assistants.

AI Powered Apps Has Become Smarter

Artificial Intelligence is intelligence exhibited by machines in order to showcase them as rational agents, which can easily perceive their surroundings and make decisions. The most important objective of AI experts is to create a machine that can copy the way human behavior works and can establish interaction with the environment.

App Development to Deeply Engage Users

At the moment Artificial Intelligence can easily process massive amount of data, work as sensors, process language and can also carry out several other tasks which can offer an impressive user-centric design. Smart buildings come under highly developed AI. AI can detect and interpret some actions such as opening the lock of your door through the motion of a hand and recognizing facial expression. By applying AI technology to your mobile app, you can personalize and streamline the user’s experience. AI capabilities can be built into mobile apps of all kinds.

Chatbots Paving The Way For User-Friendly Apps

In the year 2017, you can expect to see an expansion in the development and in the utilization of chatbots. It is believed that chatbots with digital assistants work together in order to make the mobile apps that can satisfy the requirements of consumers. With the advent of such advancements, businesses can avail its advantage for improving the already created apps. Entrepreneurs can provide new apps for the best user experience.

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However, organizations should know the way to adopt chatbots and integrate AI into their projects in an effective way. Whether through smartphone apps, AI or through a combination of both these technologies, the digital world has a lot to offer.

While numerous companies have implemented a mobile app strategy, but are not developing apps. As per a recent survey from Red Hat among healthcare organizations in the United States and Europe, large organizations with over 1000 employees, the average number of developed mobile apps is just 19 and this is pretty less. Such companies should tackle all the required challenges they generally face while developing a smartphone app and apart from this, they should all the important things to adopt chatbots.



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