4-Step Guide to a Successful Product Launch on Amazon That Will Get You On Top Search Results

Every Amazon seller should know that in order to be successful on the platform — it is crucial to know how to launch a product strategically. A good strategy for your product launch is vital as the competition on Amazon gets tougher by the day. In this article, you will learn how to set up a successful product launch on Amazon that will get you on top of the Amazon ranking algorithm.

Below is a four-step guide to help you get started: 

Step 1: Keyword Research for your Listing

As an effective search engine, Amazon responds to search terms when displaying product listings. 

This is why you must target search terms/keywords that you want to be indexed by Amazon. As your sales increase for each specific keyword, the greater chance your product will have to become top ranking on the Amazon search engine.

When it comes to product launches, it is best to consider the following:

Know more about your competition

Figure out what usually works in your niche. Know what shoppers usually search for and which products are already high up in the search results for each keyword. It is also crucial to keep track of your competitor’s pricing to know that your products are within the right price range. You can do it using tools available online or hire an Amazon expert to assist you on how to optimize products on Amazon.

Every time you launch a new product, it is best to understand the competitors’ listing first. Identify which keywords they have in the:

  • Title
  • Bullet Points
  • Product Descriptions

Explore long-tail and short-tail keyword options

Consider using long-tail and short-tail keywords. These keywords often have a lower search volume. But take note that the lower search volume would also mean lower competition. It can be advantageous to target a long-tail keyword that can land you in the number one spot in the search results. 

With a competitive niche, this can be an easy way to get initial sales. Once you have some sales, you can optimize for higher keyword competition.

Select the search keywords that you want to rank

After intensive keyword research of your competitor’s listings and having gone through a range of search terms, now it’s time to pick the best keywords that you want your product to rank on Amazon. 

Create your listings using the highest-ranking keywords at the start of the title, then work backward with the rest of the title, description, bullet points, and back-end keywords. 

Step 2:  Prepare your product listing

If you want to have a successful product launch, the first step is to optimize your product listing. Sellers should keep in mind that optimizing your product listing is essential in order to rank high within Amazon’s search results, and doing so makes it easier for consumers to find your product.  As a search engine, it displays products in response to search terms. This means finding the right relevant keywords is crucial to create an outstanding product listing.

Conduct extensive keyword research and identify the most appropriate keywords for your products. 

Product title

There’s no question that your product title is the essential part of your listing from a keyword perspective. When deciding on a product title, you need to consider what will work best for Amazon customers and the Amazon ranking algorithm.

When a customer scans over your title in the search results, make sure it is enough to make them click on the listing. Increasing your product conversion rate would translate into higher product rankings. 

Avoid keyword stuffing in your tiles. Make sure it has a healthy balance between SEO optimization and descriptive prose for your target consumer.

Product Images

Invest in professional photography and editing. It may not be necessary if you are confident with your photography skills. However, if it is not the case, leave the images to the experts. You can hire photographers with Amazon photography experience for additional fees.

Also, make sure that your images abide by the guidelines set by Amazon and optimize them accordingly. 

Bullet Points

The bullet points section on your product page is your chance to highlight to your target consumers why your product is perfect for their needs. 

No one reads a long and tedious product description. That is why it is best only to use straight-to-the-point information to increase shoppers’ chance of reading it. 

Also, do not forget to incorporate keywords that can make your product relevant to prospective customers’ queries. 

A+ Content

If you are in the Amazon Brand Registry, you are eligible for A+, previously known as Enhanced Brand Content (EBC). It is essential when launching a new product on Amazon. 

Take advantage of this portion by using large images and a lot of eye-catching designs. Also, include essential product features that you were not able to have in the product description.

Step 3: Create launch traffic and convert it to sales

When your product finally hits Amazon, there are several things you need to consider.  Below are the best Amazon product launch strategies you can utilize to increase your sales.

Product Reviews

In order to gain product reviews, your product should be of quality and sell as quickly as possible. You can also achieve this using a friendly product insert to help persuade customers to leave a review for you. When your product is new, it would be hard to acquire your first reviews. The best thing you can do is provide an email follow-up sequence once sales are being made.  Like product inserts, use this to give your customers some value without directly asking for product reviews.

Amazon PPC Advertising

Amazon Pay Per Click or Amazon advertising is the best tool when it comes to promoting new launched products that use the Amazon A10 algorithm. This can provide you on-platform sales so it can start connecting your product to specific search terms and potentially increase organic ranking more than a sale from off-platform. 

It will also allow you to generate data based on keyword conversion rates. 

Facebook Ads

All brands should have a Facebook Page for a variety of reasons. It is crucial if you want your brand to run ads for your product. Direct your ads to a landing page that leads to an Amazon listing, while obeying Facebook’s Terms of Service.  You can also direct people to your brand website and attempt to convert this traffic to product sales.  Avoid direct links to your Amazon listing. 

Google Ads

Like FB Ads, you can also direct traffic to your listing via landing pages of your brand website.  Though effective, this is the most expensive among the three options and thus largely unsuitable for Amazon product launch purposes. 

Pinterest or Instagram Ads are also a great choice if your niche is suitable for the platform. 

Step 4: Secure long-term brand awareness

The best performers in the short and long-term eCommerce are brands with high following that are loyal to them whether on-Amazon or off-Amazon. If you are a private labeler on Amazon, building your brand is still the best Amazon product launch strategy that you better start doing.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is proven effective in building awareness in general, especially when launching new products. Influencers can help you drive massive traffic to a listing in a short period. This would be great in building your initial sales velocity. 

Some influencers would be happy to promote your brand in exchange for free products, and others with a higher following may require a fee.


Launching new products can be an exciting and also intimidating endeavor for Amazon sellers. A lot of things could go wrong if you missed some of the important things discussed above. However, with the right product research and enough Amazon SEO knowledge, setting up a successful product launch should not be a problem.


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