10 Qualities Web Developers Must Have To Stay Competitive

Nowadays the IT sector is one of the most dynamic spheres to do business, create and develop projects and simply work. Among many positions that IT specialists can concentrate on, web developers are one of the keys roles. Their work is by nature highly visible and affects huge numbers of people.

As there is an immense demand for web projects, thereby there is also a strong demand for web developers. However, we should distinguish between just A web developer and THE developer, in other words; a pro. Thus when people refer to a lack of web developers, what they mean is lack of pros.

At this point, web developers, other IT specialists or people who have things in common with the technological world might find themselves asking what defines that pro in web development. Thus as expected the purpose of this article will be to describe a very much competitive web developer. So without further ado, we offer the 10 Things Web Developers Must Have to Stay Competitive.

1. Accepting that the Customer is Always Right

A cliché phrase, yeah we know, but yet, it’s also very true. A product that is being built is intended for a client, and the ability to hear and fulfill customer requests is a remarkable talent. Let’s be real: frequently the final product differs from the original visions. However, a professional web developer will always try to listen, sometimes negotiate, Intuit and reach for the closest consensus with a client while reaching for perfection.

2. Using Existing Frameworks

A good web developer should use frameworks and the tips found in the article, a selection of advice for web developers is keen on repeating. The hope is not in vain. A professional web developer could find what he needs in minutes instead of creating an already existing code which would end up being a total time suck.
Also, this ability and a habit to use libraries and databases not only saves time but at the end of the day opens a wide range of choices to get wonderful things, often for free.

3. Helping out Colleagues

At this point, one could talk about reverse flow. It is not only about using what has been created but also adding your projects to existing libraries and databases. In this way, one is able to save colleagues’ time and energy. Your work could be the one used and cited for its awesomeness by others.

4. Legendary Levels of Patience for Testing

When there is that one bug which refuses to die… Testing programs come in and with most cases, they are the perfect means of indicating what the problem is. However, epic levels of patience are required (along with more vespene gas) to still look for errors and make improvements.

Web Developers Must Have to Stay Competitive


5. Time is Money, Money is Time

A good web developer tries to meet deadlines on time. A professional web developer should try to set a personal deadline for himself and leave enough time for making corrections and improvements.

All in all, it’s common sense that perfect versions of all works, projects, assignments, etc should be finished and submitted in due time. Punctuality will earn respect, trust, and props for both the developer and the company he is presenting.

6. Degrees, Experience & Never Ending Learning

In most cases, it is very easy to distinguish between a person who has a degree and the one who does not. Knowledge and basics of a subject are gained during a long and constant process of engagement in a field going through a set curriculum developed and taught by professors. Naturally, a specialist with a college or university degree related to IT would most probably be able to put more knowledge into practice and achieve better results than a self-learner could. Thus paying attention to education is not a waste of time but rather building your personal skill set.

7. Personal Qualities Make it Happen

A competitive web developer has a range of mature positive personality traits such as strong motivation, patience, diligence and more. Also, he is a good team player as the majority of products and projects are created in teams. Thus listening to others and the ability to negotiate things is important.

8. Logical Thinking for the Win

This quality needs to be gold starred among the others. Besides using logical thinking and analytical skills throughout the process of web development itself, a professional web developer should be able to adapt to new situations.

9. Good Language Skills

Naturally in order to explain anything either to a client or a colleague one has to be a pretty good communicator. Coherence, extensive vocabulary and good presentation skills are just the tickets for a competitive web developer. Also, nowadays most companies are international. A command a minimum level of the lingua franca English will be expected.

10. Mighty Fine Tools

At some point, all the well-developed skills, knowledge or personal qualities in the world start approaching the value of moot if one is not willing to use up-to-date toolkits in addition to frameworks, libraries, and databases.



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