Engagement, Communication, and Trustworthiness: Winning The Market Through Experiential Marketing

Have you ever stopped to wonder how brands are similar to individuals? They have personalities, ideologies and they need to interact with human users for building loyal followership. Human beings go out, socialize and develop their presence on social media for creating a prominent presence. What do brands do? Well, brands do something similar, except they need the help of expert marketers in the process.

Market Your Brand with Experiential Marketing

Why is tangibility necessary for a brand?

Research shows that increasing the levels of consumer interaction enhances a brand’s trustworthiness. Making the company and its products tangible, increase loyalty among the current users and potential customers. Ongoing studies on the market show that the most effective way of achieving that is by experiential marketing. As the name suggests, it offers the participants a unique experience instead of freebies. This experience makes a brand’s presence more memorable for the attendees. It also makes the events more shareable on social media.

How is brand activation different from experiential marketing?

Brand activation can be a part of your experiential campaign. Event marketing or live marketing involves the organization of an event in a public space that encourages potential consumers to participate and share their experience. It is in sharp contrast to what most consumer goods companies have done in the past to introduce new products and brands. Earlier in the day, giving out free samples was enough to intrigue people and welcome consumers to a new brand. However, the competition is steep in 2018 and consumers need stronger reasons to switch brands. You need the top experiential marketing agency on your side to win customers from your competition.

All experiential marketing is not brand activation, and all brand activation ideas are not experiential. Although people use these terms interchangeably, they hardly ever refer to the same things. Brand activations that invite the target users to take part and create lasting emotions are in fact experiential in nature. However, all experiential campaigns need not share the same purpose. Several brands have orchestrated events to boost online traffic and increase search engine visibility. They have done so without launching new products or renovating their brand.

Benefits of Experiential Marketing

What’s the modus operandi of engagement marketing?

Research shows that creating a personalized and unique experience for the potential users can be the leverage a new brand needs to get them on board. Event-based marketing like live tour trucks, pop-up stores, and shipment container stores adds a sense of urgency to any event. People have always seen pop-up stores come up lucrative offers for short periods and this urges them to act on these offers as soon as possible. Whether it is a temporary store or a tour truck, people love flocking to these temporary spaces due to the exclusive nature of the experience. Brands that can leverage the chances smartly always end up winning hundreds and thousands of customers from their experiential marketing cum brand activation campaigns.

Engagement marketing takes the USP of a product or service and somehow manages to make it about the customers. It is all about providing the target user enough reason to come onboard voluntarily. There is no push sale. It is all about a smart interaction that creates a positive image of the company. The customer is not a mere spectator anymore. They become the key instrument of the marketing campaign since they share, and promote the events. Eventually, the positive emotions about the brand cause them to make a purchasing decision. Event marketing creates tangibility for a brand and a product.

Why do you need experiential marketing soon?

Successful brand activation campaigns have always relied on the intersection of human interaction, emotions, and technology. No experiential marketing strategy is complete without the generous inclusion of social media marketing. The presence of social media marketing strategies makes the generated content easily shareable. Each brand needs a social media presence to remain approachable. Over 72% of customers feel comfortable when they can reach a business over Facebook for troubleshooting. Enhanced customer relations are obviously an integral part of building customer loyalty and trust. The availability of easily shareable content makes a brand more visible and real for all users of social media.

According to experts, the traditional styles of marketing that only supported one-way communication between the companies and their consumers. Experiential marketing is a two-dimensional communication model that enables the receiver and the giver to interact with each other. It is no longer a unidirectional communications channels. The attendees can express their opinions, speak with brand ambassadors and enjoy a unique experience that the brand sets up just for them. It is the presence of two-way communications that makes experiential marketing so unique and effective in all spheres. In short, your customers are becoming smarter than ever. You need more than coupons and discounts to keep them on your boat. Experiential marketing gives you the chance to form a real bond with your current consumers and the potential ones.


  1. Nowadays in social media, we are facing many problems to create good user engagement in the market. Because of heavy competition in the market. Big company products and services are penetrating the market. But small company or startup products and services are struggling to get good user engagement in the market. How to avoid these types of problems in the market. Can you give me any suggestions for that?


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