3 Ways App Marketers Can Build an Ever-lasting Brand

Mobile browsing is soon to overtake desktop. It is of paramount importance to make use of the sky-rocketing developments in marketing technology. All to ensure that your business is easily available from your mobile app.

Users are the nucleus of every app development strategy. If you fail to entice them, your app fails and so as your business.

Let’s take a look at 3 lucrative ways app developers and marketers can build an ever lasting brand.

You cannot make products for your customers without even knowing what they want? Gathering feedback, in the form of reviews, from app-users helps brands to:

  • Improvise existing products
  • Offer added features
  • Build a loyal user-following
  • Boost trust in users
  • Create a better and viable brand presence

Talking of features, they must be nothing but user-driven. In a way, your app features must offer the most relevant information, in the fastest and simplest of ways.

For instance, LinkedIn uses a recommendation feature. This lets users view the most apt data about someone right on top of their screen, besides the user’s profile picture. This feature makes use of an algorithm to decide the best thing you could learn about that person, according to Kiran Prasad, LinkedIn’s Senior Director of Engineering. The feature makes that next conversation more meaningful and easy.

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If you are an avid app marketer you understand the power of a well-localised app. According to a survey by Flurry Analytics, out of the top ten biggest international smartphone markets, eight of them belong to non-English speaking regions. This makes a whooping 248 million mobile app users from India, Japan and China, alone.

Once you select the target audience for your application, don’t forget to thoroughly localise it. Apple says that customers will be more willing to read your app description, if it is in their local language. This makes it easy for people to know your app.

Undertake tests, as below, to enhance your app’s appeal.

  • Linguistic
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Cosmetic
  • Functional
  • Regression
  • Cross-platform

Create crispier and polished apps by implementing the best wisdom of software localization methods. Don’t forget to create localised app name, descriptions, screenshots, keywords and overall marketing collaterals for your intended users.

With the technological world shifting to mobile, it is no surprise to find existing brands, pull up their socks, too. As a matter of fact, this holds true for every brand under the sun today.

Before you start to go for an app uphaul, ask yourself, what is the purpose of this exercise?

  • To pull in more users
  • To widen the reach of the app
  • To create a sustainable, future-proof product
  • To offer unique interactions across platforms
  • Or, all of the above and more…

The debate to either go for a responsive website or a mobile app is long dead. The answer is, we need both, to beat the competition.

For instance, Guardian launched a revamped app. The new, advanced and beautiful app has been re-done tirelessly to offer seamless user experiences across platforms. In addition, it gives a much responsive and clean user-design. The app will allow journalists to convey their stories better and boost reader contributions via videos, text and pictures, among others. If Guardian is to be believed it is a landmark in its digital journey.

Read More: Four Lethal Blunders Of Secure Mobile App Development

There is a pool of insights you can draw from locating your users on social media channels, at review websites, forum and blogs, to name a few. Engage with these users to save your app from simply getting bombed at the App Store. This will even help your app stay in the eyes of the users, more often, thereby improving its performance and rankings.



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