How Twitter Can Help You Get More Downloads?

Twitter today, is one of the most widely used platforms for online communication. Its 140 characters strategy makes communication short, easy and sweet. The limit makes it good for creativity and brevity and gets the idea cross in the simplest way. And since you can talk to anyone, jumping into a conversation which grabs your interest is fairly easy. It also gives you brand exposure, which is a huge advantage for your app. When people keep seeing your posts, they tend to get curious about what it is that you are doing. You can also easily find out what people are talking about and what topics are under discussion in the specific area of your interest. All this and more, makes twitter a great tool for getting your app out there.

Twitter makes looking for people talking about subjects related to your app, only one search away. Finding interesting people, following them and subsequently talking to them would give you and your app a definite leverage.

A tweet can go a long way in spreading the word about your app. People who are interested might even retweet, making it known to more and more number of people. It is important to build up a network on twitter, and create a following of people who would like to listen to what you have to say. Promoting your product, that is your app, might just turn that following into a fan base.

A great feature that Twitter incorporates is the hash tag. A relevant word or series of characters preceded by the # symbol, helps in categorizing messages, and also makes it easier for the other users to search for relevant tweets. Since it is possible to use absolutely any hash tag, the tweets about your app could be seen by a much larger audience than just your followers. On the converse side, if you are following a particular hash tag, you could engage in the conversation stream and invite people to view your app.

Connecting with people who have a good following and getting them an early copy of the app might make a difference. They are bound to share it if they consider your app a worthy product, and that would give your app the push it needs. Twitter is free, and gives you a direct connection to the people in the industry that you are targeting.

For app developers, Twitter Ads can also be really effective. Since twitter has begun showing ads, promoted tweets and accounts, get their updates seen and their profiles followed. Till recently, the Twitter advertising platform had been invite only. However, now, they are open for everyone. The ads could be targeted on the basis of the keywords tweeted.

The great thing about twitter is the domino effect that it creates. If the app is good, it will be talked about, and if it is combined with the exposure that a social platform like twitter gives, the results could be amazing.


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