Want To Build Bing Apps For Windows 8? Take A Look!

Featuring news, weather, Bing, travel, sports and other apps Bing has created an opportunity for developers to create amazing apps for Windows 8. The Bing team that worked on the apps for Win 8 made use of key features that exist in the latest Microsoft operating system such as standardized settings and a snap mode experience that allow for the use or viewing of applications side by side with other applications.

Bing Apps For Windows 8


Improved Performance

Developers looking to create apps for Bing to add on to the repertoire of the ones they already have can be guaranteed of better app performance for the users. The Bing team focused a lot on improving the user experience and the availability of the Windows 8 operating system. Developers can therefore rest assured that there’s a support system in place to ensure that they deliver high quality apps. The new operating system has been modified for multi–monitor computer systems which helps developers with their multi–tasking. Developers can rely on their basic web technology skills, as most apps would be developed in CSS, JavaScript and HTML5.

Application Programming Interface

The Bing API latest version brings developers’ flexibility as well as multi–protocol access to a variety of content Source Types such as Web, Images, News, Spell, Video, Mobile Web and Related Search. In addition to that, the combination of Bing and Windows 8 in their mapping provides for better exploration and sharing of locations amongst the users – an element that every developer focuses on a lot.

Bing Apps For Windows 8

User Interface

One of the best intellects they have brought is the ability to have an app run perfectly on both touch – enabled devices as well as with a keypad and mouse. The use of bright visuals, easiness to swipe and get search results are some of the elements that users greatly appreciate already. If the current look and feel, responsiveness and content on the Bing apps are the standard that Bing will require from all developers for Windows 8, the market is very likely to see a lot of high quality apps.

Media Integration

The current apps integrate so well with media partners and this comes as a dedicated, built–in application for the different categories. This allows for the delivery of fresh and up-to-date information, enhancing the user experience. It in a way also starts putting that serious demarcation on the delivery of news because if a user doesn’t at all care about sports and their only interest is finance, they don’t have to go through the news app with almost different types of news but specifically stay on the finance app, get up to date finance news and also view the media partners supplying the news without at all leaving the app.

The move by Bing and Microsoft definitely ups the apps game. 2013 is going to feature some massive competition among developers, publishers and the app stores themselves. We are probably very close to seeing dominant players’ market share come down.



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