5 Mistakes To Avoid While Promoting App In Google Play Store

Your application is of no use unless it gets downloaded by users. It is sad to see that app developers spend thousands of dollars on creating an application but fail to have an effective marketing strategy in place. The Google Play store for instance boasts of over 700,000 applications and it is very likely that you app might get lost in the crowd. How would a user get to know about how amazing your app is unless you tell them that on the store? Here are the top 5 mistakes app developers make while promoting apps on the Google Play store.

  1. Not having a free version: Trying to get consumers to download even a free app is an uphill task. You need to stand out among hundreds of thousands of applications and then convince the user that the app is worth their time. On Google Play store, the user has to make a decision about purchasing the app only with the help of reviews, screenshots and description. However, if you are really keen on having a paid app, make sure you introduce a free “trial version” along with the paid full version.
  2. Having a boring description: The app store is where you can tell people what exactly makes your app awesome and stand out from the crowd. A good description should succeed in convincing the users and not bore them. The first sentence of the descriptions should be well-written and be able to grab the attention of the user as well as increase his curiosity.
  3. Not having a recognizable icon and name: This part of app development is often neglected. Having a unique name and icon will impart a sense of exclusivity of the app. Also, it is important to make sure that the icon says what the app is all about and doesn’t misguide people instead.
  4. Failure to use a networking platform: If your brand portfolio has multiple apps under it, try marketing one app using the other. You can consider including banner ads on the famous applications and give options to download it. On the other hand, app developers may opt for applications already existing on the Google Play store to promote their applications.
  5. Getting your app professionally reviewed: The fact that a professional reviewer has rated your app well, will give people a sense of security and make them buy the app. Rating given by experts carries more weight compared to those given by application users. Furthermore, mentioning awards as achievements in the description will add value to your app.

Having an impactful marketing strategy will not only enhance brand awareness but also improve the number of download your application gets. It goes without saying, don’t just make a great game but market it effectively too!



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