What is a VoIP number and how can I get one?

VoIP is getting a lot of attention from small businesses as well as individuals. And because of this, your interest in it probably sparked as well.

If this is the case, the first thing you’ll need is a VoIP number. So for this post, we’ll talk more about this sort of ticket to the world of VoIP as well as how you can get one.

VoIP number basics

A virtual number is similar to a mobile phone number in that it also lets you call anyone you want. But the main difference is the latter isn’t tied to a home or work phone. In fact, it’s not tied to any device at all. 

With a virtual number, you can use your phone, your laptop, or even your desktop to perform the functions of a regular number and so much more. You can use your virtual number to sign up for websites, create online accounts, and perform transactions with other businesses.

To make calls or send messages using your own virtual number, you need to connect to a virtual number service provider. Services like these usually just come with a minimal fee so it’s very financially accessible to people.

Regardless of the source, VoIP definitely offers something more than your average phone number. To give you a fuller grasp of what VoIP has to offer, we’ll go into its benefits in the next section.

What will you get with your purchase of a virtual number?

Although people generally gravitate towards something new, there are valid reasons people are switching to this more modern tech. Here are just some of them:

  • It’s convenient.

You purchase one for less than five minutes and start using your number within 24 hours. This means that whatever gains you want to achieve with VoIP, you can start getting them right away.

Even better, no specialized equipment is needed here as well so you don’t have to rely on technicians.

  • It can be used in all aspects of a business.

If you’re looking for an all-in-one flexible solution that you can employ in various areas of your enterprise, you surely can’t go without a virtual number.

One of its biggest uses is in customer support and lowering labor costs. Because it allows you to access labor markets beyond your physical domain, you can source talents where they’re cheap.

But that’s not the only way that you can utilize VoIP numbers. A lot of companies are also using them for their marketing efforts. For example, you can easily employ a text marketing campaign for very cheap. Usually, only bigger companies do this so there’s already an advantage for you!

  • You can let it go anytime.

If you decide that it’s not for you or if your needs change, no worries! All you have to do is stop paying the subscription fee. In the same way, you’re always free to get more numbers without waiting for a long time to get approval.

So if you need a flexible communications solution, this should definitely be on your list.

A step-by-step guide on getting your first virtual number

Are you convinced of how useful a VoIP number can be? Let’s proceed with how you can get one. For this post, we’ll show you how easy it is to get one from Telnum, one of the leading virtual number and services providers today.

  1. Go to their homepage. Here, you’ll see a lot of information that would get you acquainted with their offers as well as their stature in the industry. You’d also find a “Buy Your VIrtual Number Online” button there. 
  2. Choose number specifications. Clicking the button would trigger a new tab to open. The page will have you go over the steps like selecting a country and city so that in the end, you finally have a number customized to your needs.
  3. Choose one of the available numbers. Based on your needs, you’ll be presented with numbers. You can choose from these. But if you need a vanity number, you’ll have to contact them for pricing.
  4. Select call and SMS forwarding direction. This can be an email, a phone number, or even Telegram. 
  5. Confirm the details. After clicking next, you can review the details before proceeding to checkout. You’ll also see that if you pay for at least three months at a time, you get discounts.
  6. Proceed to payment. They have a lot of payment methods available, so we’re confident you’ll find something that works for you. If you have an account with the site already, you’ll have to log in to complete the transaction. Otherwise, you’ll need to create an account first.

That’s it! After following these steps, you’ll now have your VoIP number. We encourage you to explore what this tech can do for you. Feel free to ask questions to maximize its benefits, and you’ll be good.


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