What Samsung’s Flexible Display Might Mean To You As An App Developer

Every few years, there comes a new technology in the market that brings about a revolution in the technological industry. This time, it might just be flexible displays. Big names like Samsung, LG, Microsoft, and Sony are working on coming up with a successful and cost-effective version of this technology.

Samsung Flexible Display
Instead of glass, the flexible display uses super-thin plastic which makes it bendable and unbreakable. By using the organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology, which generates its own light and thus does not backlit like traditional LCD screens, the screens can be made extremely thin and flexible.

What’s in there for customers?
In the video that Samsung released, people are seen using the device for a variety of tasks, including watching a 3D video, taking photos, scanning an augmented reality code on a menu and translating a real-time conversation.

Flexible displays promise a thrilling prospect for future uses – they could be used as foldable electronic and refreshable newspapers, smart phones that roll up into the size of a pen, and even heads up displays for vehicle windshields. Some believe that the technology could prove useful for aircraft cockpits as well. User interface components could be configured to initiate response from the device – turning the device on or off, answering calls, starting software applications, changing the volume etc. Edge displays could also function as virtual buttons/switches. The cover could even be used as are for graphic design work. The future could include displays built into fabrics, advertising wrapped around objects, screens that curve and phones that conform to your hand.

Most mobile gadgets struggle with a desire to make it small for mobility and large for usability. The flexible display would small this problem; both the front and the back could become part of one continuous flexible display. They would create tremendous opportunities for developers, who could create software that takes advantage of the dynamically reconfigurable screens.

So, what does it mean for you, the app developer?
Well, a whole new world of apps for sure! The new design can spark on a whole new range of app ideas that can cater to a new customer niche.  More, ads could be served in a non-intrusive way, while making sure that they are seen by the user. Companies will be able to use the extra screen real estate to display ads. This would again, bring up a lot of opportunities and ideas to app developers, who could exploit the concept of advertising through flexible displays. What’s more, if rumors are true, we will soon have totally foldable flexible screens! We will get to know what exactly this would mean for app developers in the coming months, but the future does seem bright.

The technology is only in its beginning stages. In time, it will enable developers to come up with designs and ideas not possible before.


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