The Apps For App Entrepreneurs!

We have talked about how you can make apps that fetch the money. We talked about how you can hire a great app developer. And we talked about the latest news in the app world. Now, we will talk about some apps for app entrepreneurs themselves!

Apps For App Entrepreneurs

Apps not only entertain you but also make your life more manageable and easy, and it’s only fair if app entrepreneurs, the birth givers of the app, benefit the maximum from them. There are several apps in the market today to make the lives of app entrepreneurs much simpler.

So go ahead pull out that smartphone of yours, open your app store and get downloading!

StratPad, an iPad application takes its user through every step of planning a business strategy, which is their first step of developing an app. StratPad generates reports, business plans, and financial strategies. It helps track and update your entire business plan and keep a check on the progress.

It is important for all the apps these days to have their own websites. But to design a website takes a lot of work, time and money. Plus you will have to find a web designer who shares your vision. What can be simpler than downloading an app that will design your entire website? Plebu creates unique websites without the requirement of one understanding web coding; it creates different formats for phones, tabs and PCs.

This app is the life saver app. GoToMyPc allows you to connect to your home pc or work pc from just about any location. You can access any file that has been saved on them. So basically you can work from just about anywhere, and if an important file is saved here or there, don’t worry, GoToMyPc to the rescue!

Yammer is the best app for you and all your co- workers to constantly keep each other updated. It brings together strategies, business data, conversations and all your content in one location and allows you to share them with your co-workers. You can save time by sending messages together and seek help and brainstorm together and work better as a team. Basecamp and Dropbox are other popular apps that work along the same lines and are fairly easy to use.

Feedly complies the latest news, articles, blogs and videos in the area of your interests and saves them. So you will constantly be updates about new technology, the app market and the niche of your app.

Wi-Fi Finder
Wi-fi finder is gods answer to every app developer’s prayers! An app developer more than anybody else needs constant access to the internet, and wi-fi finder helps you find just that. It tracks the nearest public locations where you can access free wi-fi.

A must download for every app entrepreneur! This app is an app for finding you apps it assess apps on the basis of quality, user ship and user satisfaction but for you it is easy data access where in you can keep a check on the apps in the market. How many users does the app have? What problems do users face? What do they like about the app and provides access to all user reviews.


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