Branding Your App – A Look

Branding your app is like giving your app a brand new personality. One of the ways of building your own brand name is by combining the visual look, the entire feel and the tone of the app – in a definite way.

Branding your app is what makes your app different and it is what will attract consumers.

Branding Your App

If you are branding your app to match an already existing visual identity, it makes your job a lot easier. You can derive the visual elements such as the font and color scheme directly and make changes according to the kind of interface required.

Think of the Game Minion Rush – it was a precursor to the movie and the game has carved out its own brand name in the few months of its existence.

If you are starting from scratch, you need to identify what kind of a personality you wish to give your app, which should be based on intensive research. Identify your market segment i.e the age, gender, location and occupation of your prospect users and then keep in mind their preferences and the purpose of your app.

Here are some areas that will define your app:

  • Naming Your App
    While naming your app make sure that the name summarizes the purpose of your app. It should be small, easy to pronounce and remember and should be very different from the names of the apps that already exist. For example the app TrueCaller represents the purpose of the app perfectly.
  • Logo
    People will recognize your brand by the logo so ensure it completely represents your app. The logo can have only text or only a visual or both, your logo can even have different versions for different uses. Since your logo is for phones make sure it is simple, clear and high resolution. For example the logo of Whatsapp is very simple and easy to identify and it represents the purpose of Whatsapp which is instant messaging perfectly.
  • Splash Screen
    Splash screen is the full screen visual that is displayed while your app is loading. Splash screen is only displayed for a while but every time the user opens the app the visual is displayed so it is a great way of branding.
  • User Interface Design
    The UI will depend on the function of your app but make sure the font, colours and gradients are in accordance to the brand. Make the UI different and interesting and interactive.
  • Social Media And Web Presence
    Make sure that you brand your app via social networks such as Twitter and Facebook and maintain the personality it carries. Carry forward the same look and feel in the development of the website by using the same fonts, visuals, logos and colour schemes.

While developing your app and branding it, you must remain consistent. Do not at any point change your theme – if you do start from scratch. Random changes will just confuse the consumers.

Make sure you invest as much as time and money in branding as much as you do in developing your app as it will have a major role in attracting consumers.


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